David T. Bosch

David Tobias Bosch is a young and talented pianist, composer and artist. Currently he is studying piano performance at the Leopold-Mozart-Institute in Augsburg in the class of Evgenia Rubinova.

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. By nature, I am eager to learn, to explore and to create. I use all my waking hours to develop my mind. On a typical day, you can see me jogging from the dormitory to the Leopold Mozart Centre and back again several times. There is always a symphony, cantata or sonata playing in my headphones that I had never heard before. At lunchtime I learn Russian and French every day. In the afternoon, I improvise on the piano and play piano reductions of important works from music history. In the evening I read books on psychology, philosophy, religious studies and music history in four different languages

My greatest aspiration is to ensure an appropriate continuation of the immaterial heritage of our ancestors.
As a pianist, I want to develop the precious art of piano playing. The piano has accompanied me since I was eight years old. It has become an inseparable part of my personality. I notice how I grow as an artist with every new piece I play. Whoever listens to me for 60 minutes at a concert is peaceful and nourished by the music for the whole time. In this way, all my fellow human beings can draw new strength and joy for everyday life through my playing. In order to pass on the fire of music to future generations, I would also like to work as a teacher. My dream is to teach at a conservatoire.

As a composer, I would like to show that classical music is by no means exhausted and that composing in the “old way” is not outdated. My ambitions in this field are great. By the time I am thirty, I would like to write a major work for choir and orchestra. In preparation for this, I would like to write many works for piano and other instruments. After piano studies, I would like to study composition for film and media. My dream is also to write music for films.

As a musician and artist in general, I want to keep classical music alive. Because of its structural and emotional complexity, it is often not understood by people of today. For this reason, I have already worked on numerous projects with the aim of familiarising the non-specialist person with classical music. On my social media, I regularly share video recordings of my playing, combined with animations and short texts. The greatest enthusiasm of my followers on social media provoke my videos in which I combine nature recordings and music into a Gesamtkunstwerk i.e. a synthesis of the arts. I believe that in people who derive pleasure from music and nature, the desire for material consumption is reduced. In this sense, our planet benefits greatly from music.